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Terms And Conditions

Please read the following terms, conditions, and declarations carefully before using the electronic visa portal. By using the portal, you confirm that you accept these terms, conditions, and declarations and agree to comply with the provisions contained therein.

Customer Declarations

The client acknowledges full responsibility for taking all necessary measures in using the Visa Portal, including information and inputs provided by him, and his awareness and understanding of these terms, conditions, and declarations in addition to other applicable terms and conditions, and compliance with them.

The client acknowledges full responsibility for all information provided or uploaded on the portal, which includes, without limitation, digital inputs or documents uploaded, which the client must verify their accuracy and update. The client acknowledges that all information provided is accurate and up-to-date and agrees to maintain this information through its accuracy and update.

In the event of a breach of these terms and conditions or the issuance of fraudulent or forged documents, the client is subject to necessary penalties and legal actions according to the provisions of the section (Suspension and Termination) below and other applicable systems.

The client acknowledges full responsibility for his own account on the Visa Portal and guarantees that he is the sole user of the account. Therefore, all account activities are legally binding to the client as the account holder.

The client acknowledges that the service provider has the right to verify and evaluate the safety of the documents uploaded by the client on the portal and has the right to reject any incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent or forged requests. The service provider also has the right to delay the completion of the required process for further evaluation of the safety of the documents or in case of technical difficulties, in addition to the right of the service provider to accept/reject/cancel any requests or contracts submitted or issued without prior notice.

The client acknowledges that in case of any errors while using any of the services provided through the Visa Portal, the portal and all parties in the relationship and supportive entities for Visa bear no responsibility for any resulting financial or legal losses. It is the client's responsibility to report errors by opening an electronic support ticket through the electronic communication center in Visa or via email info@tashirah.com.sa, and the service provider or its representative will take the appropriate action and notify the client.

The client acknowledges that he authorized the service provider or its representative to verify any information provided with the aim of approving or rejecting the client's request, servicing the client's account, or other procedures involving the utilization of data used by any governmental or private entities.

The client acknowledges that he authorized and allowed the Visa portal or its representative to take a fingerprint scan and facial photo for the purpose of submitting it to embassies for the approval of the visa application or its equivalent for the client or rejection.

Liability Limitations

To the extent permitted by law and regulation, the service provider excludes and excludes all terms, undertakings, representations, or other provisions that may apply to the portal or any of its contents, whether express or implied.

The service provider accepts no responsibility or legal consequences towards any user client of the portal for any loss or damage, whether in terms of contractual liability or tort liability, including negligence, breach of legal duty, or otherwise, even if this was expected and arose pursuant to or in connection with the following: Use or inability to use the portal; and/or. Use or reliance on any content displayed on the portal.

The service provider accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by a virus, illegal access to the portal, or other technically harmful materials that may affect the customer's computer equipment, programs, data, or other materials as a result of using the portal or as a result of the client downloading any content from the portal, or from any other site linked to the visa portal.

The service provider accepts no responsibility for the contents of other sites linked to the portal. Such links should not be construed as being approved by the service provider. Accordingly, the service provider accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from the client's use of those links or the portal.

Intellectual Property and Trademarks

‘Tashirah’ is a registered trademark in Saudi Arabia for Tashirah Travel and Tourism Corporation. Please note that all intellectual property rights or trademarks not owned by related parties or Tashirah that appear on the portal are owned by their respective owners. The client may not use any of these trademarks, or any of their various forms, for promotional purposes, or imply or give the impression, intentionally or unintentionally, of an association with the concerned trademark owner. The portal does not grant— whether explicitly, implicitly, or otherwise—any license or right to use any of the trademarks displayed on the portal without written permission from the owner of the concerned trademark.

To the extent permitted by law and regulation, the service provider excludes and excludes all terms, undertakings, representations, or other provisions that may apply to the portal or any of its contents, whether express or implied.

The service provider accepts no responsibility or legal consequences towards any user client of the portal for any loss or damage, whether in terms of contractual liability or tort liability, including negligence, breach of legal duty, or otherwise, even if this was expected and arose pursuant to or in connection with the following: Use or inability to use the portal; and/or. Use or reliance on any content displayed on the portal.

The service provider accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by a virus, illegal access to the portal, or other technically harmful materials that may affect the customer's computer equipment, programs, data, or other materials as a result of using the portal or as a result of the client downloading any content from the portal, or from any other site linked to the visa portal.

The service provider accepts no responsibility for the contents of other sites linked to the portal. Such links should not be construed as being approved by the service provider. Accordingly, the service provider accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from the client's use of those links or the portal.

Prohibited Uses

The client may use the Visa portal only for legitimate purposes. The client may not use the portal for any of the following, including but not limited to:

Any way that involves violating any of the applicable laws and regulations at local, national, or international levels.

Any unlawful or fraudulent manner, or any purpose or effect that is unlawful or fraudulent.

For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.

Knowingly sending, receiving, uploading, downloading, using, or reusing any material that does not comply with our content standards as set out below, including but not limited to:

Transmitting, or procuring the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).

Knowingly transmitting any data, sending or uploading any materials containing viruses, trojans, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.